Sunday, September 14, 2014

We have survived the first two weeks! This might seem insignificant, but the first two weeks of Trailhead can be rough. Students settle into new housing, try to figure out how to share space with 10 other people, adapt to a new culture, learn how to do about 6 different jobs around camp, write a constitution for group behavior, and do many other things all while adjusting to living away from Mom and Dad, which makes this an emotional time for some.

It is my assessment that this group is doing an amazing job so far. They are getting along for the most part, and tackle each new challenge with a good attitude. It has been a blessing to guide this particular group of students through the boot camp that is the first two weeks.

Whats next? We leave tomorrow for a four day canoe adventure in the Sylvania Wilderness in Watersmeet, MI. Trips like this require teamwork and communication. There will be discomfort at times, and attitudes can be stretched. These types of experiences build connections between people. For some of the students, this will be the highlight of the year. For others, they will be glad to just survive. For all of us, there will be memories that will lay the foundation for truly solid friendships as we go forward this year.

When we return, we will settle into a more normal routine, and classes for the fall will begin.

Here are a couple of pictures of our little cabin on the Flambeau River. Students insulated the cabin Friday in preparations for the pine carsiding that we will install soon. We used polystyrene on the lower 4 feet to help keep the mice out.

It's going to be a cool little prayer cabin when it's done.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Meet the Trailhead class of 2014!

(L to R: John, Hannah, Adam, Sam, Rosie, Andrew, Sarah, Alyssa, Dan, Theo & Alex)

We are so excited to be beginning the Trailhead year and getting to know these students as they get to know us and each other!  Just a bit about each:

Theo Ambrosius—Beaver Dam, WI
A few of the things he enjoys are fishing, hunting, reading, snowboarding and

Alyssa Beth—Kenosha, WI
She has many hobbies such as hanging out with friends and family and playing
sports. She doesn’t give up on things and is protective of people, showing
kindness toward anyone. She plays tennis, basketball, soccer and is involved
in drama. She also plays the drumset and the djembe.

Sam Burkhalter—Neenah, WI
Some of the things he enjoys are camping, hiking, riding bicycles, piano,
building, sports, learning, doing new things, boat riding, cooking, fishing, star-
gazing, swimming, photography, acting, farming and caving.

Rosie Day—Janesville, WI
One hobby she really enjoys is singing. She sings anywhere and anytime, and
is on the youth worship team at church. She loves being a part of that and
seeing so many people worshiping the Lord together. Another hobby of hers
is writing, and she enjoys escaping into the world of her writing.

John Kollmorgen—Hayward, WI
He enjoys swimming and biking. He also likes building and constructing
things. He enjoys small projects like building shelving for a room or a drink
holder for a car, as well as building with Legos. He is also good at puzzle
solving, and is a good servant leader.

Alex Lawrence—Overland Park, KS
She is a very creative person. She enjoys any activity involving art such as
drawing, painting, and photography.

Andrew Lower—Waldorf, MD
He enjoys working with his hands. He likes to take things apart to figure out
how they work and put them back together, and is happy when they work.
He played soccer and baseball. Spending time outside in the woods, climbing
rocks and just being outside bring him joy.

Adam Prins—Isanti, MN
He loves to play sports. He runs, and was in cross-country in high school. He
also likes to listen to music and play video games. He enjoys hanging out with
friends and playing board games.

Dan Schweitzer—Winfield, IL
He enjoys soccer, wrestling, skateboarding, music and reading.

Sarah Tschanz—Blair, WI
She enjoys photography, working with animals, working with people, caring
for people and making crafts.

Hannah Wetzel—Stevens Point, WI
Some of her hobbies are digital photography, photoshop, writing, reading
and ice skating. She sings, is organized, does childcare and is good at being
sensitive and empathetic toward others.